Welcome to Pain Free with ATG at Edge4Life!

Edge4Life Training
1 min readJul 3, 2022

You made a great decision to get on this newsletter — I PROMISE this will be an email you will look forward to each week. (Not on the newsletter? Join here!)

What’s in store?

Through the Athletic Truth Group (more on that later) I have leveled up my knowledge and training tremendously. It started with solving a couple of booboos on myself. Then working with some adventurous folks with some new concepts. Then bringing it to class activities and 1on1 Personal Coaching Sessions.

After about a year of dedication to the craft, I have now solved the pain of hundreds of people with an enormous range of afflictions from “common achy knee pain” all the way to contemplation of back surgery. That’s right — back surgery! The biggest of the big problems with pain.

Through every single application there are a few common threads:

- Revised mindset towards pain

- Revised inputs to address pain

- Revised outcomes to contextualize pain

The change that people undergo mentally is the surprising plot twist to resolution. And, once it clicks…it clicks for good!

In addition, I am going to write a weekly note to summarize the victories of the week so that you can learn from the dozens of 1on1 conversations I have during the course of training and solving people’s pain.

This is going to be a highly educational process and I can’t wait to help you on your way to solving your own pain!

Yours in pain free solutions

Coach Eric



Edge4Life Training

A Strength and Conditioning center in Concord CA focusing on giving you what you want in health and fitness.